Located in Petit de Grat, Nova Scotia, La Coopérative Radio Richmond Ltée is the title holder of an exploitation license issued by the CRTC on March 15th 2006. You can consult the Radio Broadcast Decision CRTC 2006-79 at http://www.crtc.gc.ca/fra/archive/2006/db2006-79.htm
Important COVID-19 Message from CITU FM
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TAX DEADLINE: Filing deadline pushed to June 1st 2020 :
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If you are unable to reach them by dialing 811 from your telephone or handheld device, please contact your telephone service provider. In some cases, local telephone service providers may not be able to support 811 dialing. If this is the case, you may access the 811 service using the following 10-digit number: 866-770-7763 from a telephone registered in Nova Scotia only.
- Listenership : Our listeners spend approximately 16.7 hours listening to our station on a weekly basis.
- Global Appreciation : Our listeners give us a global appreciation score of 7.8 on 10.
- 90% of the Acadian and Francophone population of Petit-de-Grat know and listen to CITU 104,1 FM (La Coopérative Radio Richmond).
- CITU 104,1 FM is the most listened to station by francophones in Petit de Grat and surrounding areas (57%), followed by Radio-Canada (24%).